
June 2019
Mission trip to help deliver physical therapy services overseas.
A medical missionary….. what do think of when you hear that? I believed that it was going to an underprivileged area in the world and giving my time and talents. Well, I was partially right. Yes, I was able to demonstrate the skills that I have in my occupation as...
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Physical Therapy Wentzville
We are pleased to announce the opening of our 10th facility in Wentzville, MO. This full-service clinic opened on June 17, 2019. In addition to highly skilled physical therapy services, we will offer specialty services such as Certified Hand Therapy, IASTYM, and Advanced Work Rehabilitation at this location. Conveniently located...
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Physical therapy in wentzville, mo
We’re excited to announce that our 10th clinic will open June 17, 2019 in Wentzville, MO. This clinic is conveniently located adjacent to the new post office at Wentzville Parkway and Highway 61 and will serve the growing regions of western St. Charles County, Warren County and Lincoln County. To...
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hand therapy
This week, we celebrate Hand Therapy Awareness Week. What is hand therapy you ask? Many people are unaware of the specialized nature of hand therapy and what it takes to become a certified hand therapist. It’s a very rigorous process and this is why there are only approximately 6,000 certified...
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