Axes Gives Back October ’22: Nurses for Newborns

Nurses for Newborns provides a safety net for families most at-risk in order to prevent infant mortality, child abuse and neglect by providing in-home nursing visits.

Axes is a small, locally owned and operated physical therapy company serving our communities in the Greater St. Louis area. We’re fortunate to be able to offer our services at 17 locations, with the mission to help as many people as possible. Our profession is all about helping others and giving back. Through the service of physical and occupational therapy, we give our patients’ their livelihoods, lifestyles, and abilities back.

Since giving back is the fundamental reason that our organization exists, it was important to the ownership and staff of Axes Physical Therapy to make sure that we are doing all that we can to give back to the communities we love. Each month, Axes partners with a local, staff nominated charitable organization to donate food, goods, clothes, and funds through our “Wear Jeans, Change Lives” initiative. Employees of Axes contribute to a St. Louis area charitable cause by automatic payroll deduction and get to wear jeans to work on Fridays. In the later months of 2022, the Axes Physical Therapy Foundation is honored to have given back to 501C3s such as Children’s Medical Mission West,  Forest Park ForeverBoys and Girls Clubs of St. Louis, Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition, Spirit of Discovery Park, and in October ’22, we are supporting Nurses for Newborns.

At Nurses for Newborns, they believe that every baby should be as safe and healthy as possible and their families strong and confident in their care.  Healthy pregnancy and infancy build the foundation for a lifetime of wellness. When babies are born too early or too small or in rough conditions, the dream of a healthy, vibrant life can be shattered before they have a chance to have a first birthday.

Nurses for Newborns was founded over 20 years ago by a nurse who was frequently called to the emergency room to re-admit babies who had completely preventable illness, many times near death. By providing registered nurses and using our proven program model of home visiting, they are literally saving babies’ lives and giving them a chance to grow. They provide services to babies who are born with medical problems, born to teen moms or to mothers with disabilities/mental health concerns, or who are born into families who do not have money for even basic necessities

We are so grateful that you share this journey with us –one of hope and promise for families who need a helping hand at a very critical time in their lives. Thank you for reading on and for your support – from awareness to donations – it’s all appreciated. 

With your help, we can truly change the world together. Remember, all it takes a bunch of people pulling on the same rope.

Join Axes in support of the Nurses for Newborns by donating here.

Helping you is what we do… and we love doing it.

Learn more about Nurses for Newborns.