Axes Gives Back: Power Up Challenge


The Power Up Challenge is a scavenger hunt-type event sponsored by the Axes Physical Therapy Foundation. Power Up has marked a 36 mile course that starts at Big Shark West / Power Up Cycling and goes through Chesterfield and Wildwood covering much of the Pedal the Cause Big Hitter route.

How it works: The goal is to identify the number associated with each of the 12 identified course markers on the course Cue Sheet. For each course marker found, you get 1 point. There are 4 bonus course markers on the course not identified on the Cue Sheet. These are each worth 3 points. The cyclists that find the most course markers (i.e., have the highest points total) earn money for their Pedal the Cause accounts. In the case of ties, the cyclist who turned the Cue Sheet in first will win the award. (Link to RidewithGPS course here!)

This is a self-guided ride. Get a group of PTC friends together and see how much money you can raise for Pedal the Cause!

Awards: 1st: $1000, 2nd – $500, 3rd – $500, 4th – $500, 5th – $500

When:  Cyclists will have from Friday, 25 August through Sunday, 27 August to find the course markers.  Completed Cue Sheets need to be scanned and emailed to no later than Wednesday, 30 August.  Please keep in mind the tie-breaker is when the Cue Sheet was turned in.

Registration: All cyclists have to be registered Pedal the Cause participants and must register for the Challenge.

Questions: Contact Power Up Cycling at

Thank you to Big Shark, Power Up, and Pedal the Cause, sponsored by the Axes Physical Therapy Foundation, for putting on such a fun event in effort to finally live in a world without cancer. Join Axes in support of Pedal the Cause by donating here.

Helping you is what we do, St. Louis… and we love doing it.