Herculaneum, MO

Herculaneum, MO

Navigate through your life with care are unique as you are.

Herculaneum, MO Occupational Therapy

Herculaneum, MO Occupational Therapy. Our everyday lives require the use of an arsenal of skills ranging from physical, cognitive, and social. After being injured, becoming ill, or developing a disability, performing some of these everyday tasks can be difficult. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy, though, can restore the abilities that make it possible for you to return to work, perform activities of daily living, and improve your overall well-being and enjoyment of life.

Axes Physical Therapy provides occupational therapy care that is informed by scientific evidence and led by our desire to help patients like you patients of all ages and backgrounds in Herculaneum, MO and throughout Greater St. Louis. Our services are built around a patient-centered philosophy and we personalize the care of every patient to their personal needs and goals. Axes’ Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy services are provided by qualified occupational therapists who have extensive backgrounds in treating patients and hold advanced certifications and training in specific treatment areas. When you require the best occupational therapy care available, visit one of our St. Louis area locations that are owned and operated by the skilled local physical and occupational therapists. Get one step closer to complete recovery and independence by contacting us online or finding the location closest to you.

What is Occupational Therapy?

According to the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, occupational therapy is “a client-centered health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation.” This promotion of health and well-being can include treatment strategies that address physical, cognitive, sensory-perceptual, and psychosocial performance and abilities and how they affect your everyday activities. The goal of successful Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy treatment is improved well-being and quality of life for the individual receiving care. How this is measured and what strategies are employed to accomplish this is unique to the the patient’s goals and needs.

Axes Herculaneum, MO occupational therapists work with anyone whose ability to perform on the job or complete everyday activities has been impacted by an injury or illness. The Axes Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy team specializes in treating and evaluating acute or chronic upper extremity, elbow, forearm, and hand injuries or loss of functional ability due to injury or illness. Our Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy program also specializes in helping individuals return to work safely and effectively. To help you regain the abilities needed to perform your job, your occupational therapist will work with you on material handling, lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, and any other job-specific functions.

As an occupational therapy patient in Herculaneum, MO, your licensed Occupational Therapist (also known as an OT), will apply interventions such as activity modification, education, splinting, and exercise to help you perform the everyday activities, or occupations, you wish to do. As you can imagine, every Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy patient has a unique lifestyle with a unique set of responsibilities and interests. Your occupational therapy expeirence will be tailored to you. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy is used to help anyone who is experiencing difficulty executing actions or activities that that are a part of their daily life, known as an activity of daily living, or ADL. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy patients can be individuals with disabilities from birth, stroke victims and surgery patietns, older adults experiencing new physical and cognitive difficulties, workers who have been injured — virtually anyone could be an occupational therapy patient in Herculaneum, MO.

Who Benefits from Herculaneum, MO Occupational Therapy?

Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy is a highly specialized, versatile, and patient-centered form of care that addresses patients’ goals and abilities in all environments (work, school, home, community) and through all factors (physical, psychological, cognitive, and social). Virtually anyone can benefit from Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy, from school-aged children to older adults to a typically healthy adult with an injury. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy is integral not only as a tool of rehabilitation for anyone with an illness, injury, impairment, or disability that affects their ability to perform daily activities but also as a preventative measure to protect those at risk of developing an impairment or disability.

We use Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy to help individuals with a variety of disabilities, injuries, and conditions, including:

  • Hand, wrist, shoulder, and other upper extremity injuries
  • Amputations
  • Arthritis and other joint disorders
  • Burns
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Fractures
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neurological disorders
  • Overuse injuries
  • Surgery
  • Tendon injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Visual or cognitive deficits
  • Work injuries

Every Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy patient has different goals, challenges, and expectations. Your personal treatment plan is based on the activities you wish to resume. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy can be successful in addressing a wide range of tasks and goals depending on your individual needs, such as:

  • Self care such as personal hygiene and eating
  • Sleep
  • Meal preparation
  • Dressing
  • Mobility, sitting, and standing
  • Joint protection
  • Sensation recovery
  • Ability to return to work, school, and other activities

What to Expect in Herculaneum, MO Occupational Therapy

Your personal occupational therapy treatment is based on your specific needs, daily activities, and limitations. Your Axes Herculaneum, MO occupational therapist is integral in using your information to guide your treatment plan. They will design a series of intervetions that will address your concerns and give you the skills you need to go about your everyday life as safely and independently as possible. If you are planning to receive Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy, it can help to know what to expect from this form of care., your OT will do the following:

  • Evaluation

    In order to understand your limitations and goals, your OT will perform an initial assessment and ongoing evaluations throughout your course of treatment. If your ability to perform your work is affected, there will be an emphasis on the activities you are expected to perform.

  • Planning

    Next, your occupational therapist will apply their knowledge of evidence-based occupational therapy practices and their understanding of your needs, environments, and goals to form an individualized treatment plan. Treatment might focus on mastery of a skill, adaptation of an activity; maintenance of a declining skill; promotion of health, wellness, and self-care; and injury prevention.

  • Intervention

    After you and your occupational therapist create a treatment plan, the interventions will begin. Your OT will give you activities and exercises to practice that will improve your abilities and prepare you to return to work. These interventions are specific to your needs and your typical environments and can include:

    • Exercises and activities
    • Training and education
    • Development of skills
    • Environment modification and activity adaptation
    • Assistive devices
    • Cognitive, sensory, and manual therapies
  • Collaboration

    To truly deliver effective occupational therapy, it is essential that other people in your life participate in somew way. Care that is so personalized requires conhesion in terms of communication between you, your OT, family members, and other providers who are involved in your everyday life.

Herculaneum, MO Occupational Therapy| Axes Physical Therapy

Axes Physical Therapy provides leading occupational therapy care for individuals in the Herculaneum, MO area. Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy is a transformative solution for anyone from individuals struggling with self-care, workers looking to return to the job after an injury, and patients recovering from a stroke or surgery. For your occupational therapy, make sure you are treated by an OT who has an extensive history of successfully working with other patients and who has a genuine desire to help you return to the daily activities that allow you to be independent. You get that care at Axes. For more information about our services including Herculaneum, MO occupational therapy, reach out to us today by selecting the location nearest you or reaching out to us online here.

Services Offered

Services Offered
  • Physical Therapy
    • Pre/Post Surgical Rehabilitation
    • Acute Injury Management
    • Chronic Injury Management
  • Occupational Therapy
    • Certified Hand Therapy
  • Work Conditioning/Hardening
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Vestibular Therapy and Post-Concussion Rehabilitation
  • Sports Physical Therapy
  • Trigger Point Dry Needling
  • Pediatric Orthopedic Physical Therapy
  • Geriatric Orthopedic Physical Therapy
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTYM)
  • Spine Specialty – Manual Therapy Certified
  • Free Injury Screenings
  • Kinesio Taping®
  • Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Our Team

Stephen Brunjes
Mary McKinney
Front Office
Kaila Mikesch
Clinic Director, PT, DPT, CMPT
Haley Finnegan
Ernie Goddard
Partner, PT
Natalie Carter
PT, DPT, Astym. Cert.
Emma Witte
Kelly Barnes
Physical Therapist
Jennifer Zweigart
Front Office
Shannon Blum
Jennifer Chura
Front Office


Begin Your Recovery Today

Injuries and pain shouldn’t keep you from moving and doing the things you love.